Friday, April 11, 2008

Itu DIA..


Have u ever been down and out and

nobody seems to be around for you to talk to..

THAT’S ALLAH…He wants you to talk to Him.

Have u ever been just sitting there and

all of sudden you feel like doing nice for someone you care for…

THAT’S ALLAH…He talks to you.

Have u ever been thinking about somebody

that u haven’t seen in a long time and then

next thing u know u see them or receive a phone call from them..

THAT’S ALLAH…there’s no such thing as ‘coincidence’

Have u ever received something wonderful

that u didn’t ask for..

THAT’S ALLAH..He knows the desires of ur heart.

Have u ever been in a situation and

u had no clue how it is going to get better,

but now u look back on it…

THAT’S ALLAH..He passes us through tribulation to see

a brighter day

In all that we do, we should totally give ALLAH

thanks and our prayers blessings will

continue to multiply…

~Sadia Marium~

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